Thursday 12 May 2011

Seaton Sluice Logo

This is my seaton sluce logo i had to design for a emblem for a primary school uniform. I had to make the colour bright and vibrant as the jumpers the emblem would go on is purple. Overall i think i have made a good emblem and think it would look good on a school jumper.

Standard Promotions Live Brief

This was a live brief part of my work based learning. I got this brief from a friend and needed to design a leaflet with a business card and compliment slips for a high class promotional night at a classy nightclub.
Overall i am very happy with this piece and it was a really enjoyable project to work on.

Space Bar Logo

In this brief i was asked to crated a logo for the college bar 'Space bar'. The design had to be unique and stand out to students hopefully attracting more to use the bar. I had nine different colour finals to see which colour i preferred. I think my favorite is actually the black and white design as it looks very crisp.

Blue Bridge Records

Newcastle college came to me asking to design a logo for the colleges new record label 'Blue Bridge Records'. This was my final two ideas to the brief as i wasn't sure which one was most fitting. I really like the two designs and am very happy with the outcome. 

Tuesday 3 May 2011

James White Tron Posters

Editorial Design Double Page Spread

Double Page spread

follow on page

Have Your Say Poster

Sexual Health Poster

Puffin: James and the Giant Peach

In this Project i was expected to create a book cover for the popular book James and the giant peach for the book publication Puffin. I decided to go with a mixed media approach for the main piece of artwork on the front cover of my design using water colour style. I think this makes the design really effective and stylish. The overall aim of my design was really to make the design come across as child friendly because this is the main target audience for the book. 
I am very happy with this piece as i feel it has answered the brief in every way. 

AD103 Hilltop Restaurant

In my brief i was asked to rename and re-brand the Rye hill restaurant. I approached this brief by doing some in depth research on logos. I decided to make my logo look very sophisticated by using a nice clean easy to read text. I really like the way i have joined the letters together with the curve. I chose this maroon colour because i thought i looked very rich and luxurious and would really go with the restaurant look and feel. Overall i am very happy with this piece and it has been one of my favorite briefs to work on so far.